A Windsor Brewery Holds a Piece of Downtown Loveland’s Past
Loveland and Windsor come together at one of Windsor's taprooms. Neon and craft beer set the scene.
It was kind of nice to discover this piece of Loveland history residing at Mash Lab Brewing in Windsor.
City News Stand & Coffee House used to be at the corner of 6th and Cleveland in Downtown Loveland, for what seems forever. In 2014, LoCo Artisan Cafe opened in its place.
City News Stand had great neon signs (one faced 6th, one faced Cleveland) . There aren't really any like it around town, anymore.
It turns out one of the Mash Lab-associated business 'Pinkee's' customers had the two signs and they decided to purchase one of them for Mash Lab.
Having grown up in Loveland and working in Windsor, I like seeing this sign a lot. It brings the two places I'm very familiar with, together.