I remember playing as a kid and pretending that we had magical laser beam powers. A laser was a mystical and powerful beam of light I knew nothing about. I've encountered many lasers in my adult life and they always produce pain for some kind of benefit or "removal". Needless to say I will a little wary when encouraged to receive therapy from something called a K-Laser at Benchmark Medical Group.

There are two chronically painful places on my body, my neck and around my right scapula. Both have different issues going on, but supposedly receiving deep tissue treatment with K-Laser therapy (a Class IV laser, whatever that means) can heal these spots in a way nothing else can. It's a gentle, unnoticeable laser that apparently is capable of encouraging a lot of cell growth and healing. Benchmark Medical Group has one of the only K-Lasers available for medical use in Northern Colorado. There are tons of these lasers in use at veterinarian offices, because the laser is super beneficial for animals as well. Watch the video's below, read some testimonials and consider this if you could use some help with an injury, a painful scar, inflammation and so many other pains.

More amazing stories and the science of K-Laser Therapy

The scientific way K-Laser works

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