POLICE LOG: Naked Man (Not Me)-Mischievous Goats-Christmas in July
Special thanks to Joe Moylan and the Greeley Tribune for providing a glimpse of what our brave men and women in law enforcement have to deal with while on duty.
The following are edited versions of the Greeley Police Department's daily logs that Joe Moylan and the Greeley Tribune have provided:
July 22nd:
Around lunchtime, Greeley police got a call about a man who "borrowed" a car but couldn't return it to the owner. He forgot where he left it.
July 23rd:
At 1pm, the GPD got a call to the 1300 block of 6th street about a naked man. (No, it wasn't me. I was on the 1500 block.)
About 15 minutes later, police got a call from an observant citizen about "an injured domesticated rabbit". The extent of the injury was unknown, but the caller was sure it was domesticated because "it's the white, fluffy kind".
Just when they thought the dust had settled from the naked man and injured domesticated rabbit, they got a call at 6:30pm to the 5200 block of F Street. They were on the look-out for three hooligans creating havoc. The suspects were three "mischievous" goats that escaped their pen to go play at Rover Run Dog Park.
July 24th:
At 9am, they got a call to 11th Avenue about a woman sitting on a pole. That alone may not be worth calling in, but the report also said she was wearing black lace pants, a little top and "nothing else". They did respond to the call.
Later in the day, Police responded to 65th Avenue about a naked man running toward U.S. 34. (Nope. Not me. I was running away from U.S. 34 and it was 5:30pm and I was wearing black lace pants.)
July 25th:
At 9:30am on this fine SUMMER morning, they got a call to 8th Avenue about a bat that flew into a house. It came in through an open window and was hanging from the Christmas lights. This report did not mention if the Police cited the owners of the home for having Christmas lights up in July. We're guessing they didn't.
Later that day, around 10:30pm, the GPD responded to 30th Avenue Court about some kids peeing on a front yard. Hang in there folks....the new school year starts in less than two weeks.
Thanks again to the Greeley Tribune for providing these reports, but most especially, THANK YOU to all members of law enforcement who have to deal with these and far more serious situations everyday.
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