Greeley Holiday Open House & Lights the Night Parade This Weekend
The Greeley Lights the Night Parade is Saturday, November 24, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in Downtown Greeley. It runs north on 9th Avenue from 15th Street to 7th Street. After the parade, stay at Lincoln Park for the lighting ceremony, tasty holiday goodies, and visits with Santa!
Plan your day in Downtown Greeley Saturday, November 24th for the annual Holiday Open House which coincides with “Shop Small Saturday.” Enjoy Holiday crafts, special treats, live music, photo ops for kids, hot cocoa and more. You’ll also find specials and free samples and carolers from the Greeley Chorale in the afternoon.
Bingo Card
Start your shopping day by picking up your bingo card at anyone of the 30 participating downtown businesses. Fill out your shopping bingo card and you could win a gift basket worth $200, $300 or $1,000! (No purchase is necessary, and you must be at least 18 to win.)
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