Windsor Resident Pens Emotional Letter Following Recent Tragedies
Over the past few years, Windsor as a town has certainly been through a lot. Most recently, Windsor High School was rocked by a tragic death of a student and following the events, one of Windsor's most loyal residents penned a letter to the town to show how much he still loves his community.
Tony LaPorta, a graduate of the class of 2011, sent us his letter which is printed in its entirety below:
Dear Windsor,
Man I’ve missed you. You’re such a great town. Despite the fact I sometimes get my mail at an address just east of you in Greeley, I tell everyone I know that you are where I was raised, and you are where I’m from. I probably should explain a little bit about who I am, and why I’m writing you this long overdue letter.
While I wasn’t lucky enough to have been born here in Northern Colorado, I consider myself a son of Windsor, and a lifelong Wizard. I’m actually nothing more than a small town kid who was lucky that his parents wanted my brother, sister and I to get out of the Greeley schools, and enjoy a nicer, cleaner and safer school setting. That led them to bringing us to you, Windsor, and your brand new elementary school, Grandview elementary in 2003. After three years at that tan brick castle of Windsor Middle school, it was on to Windsor High School. Preceded by two awkward years of trying to find myself, my last two years at WHS were the best. They were spent playing football for one of the best men I have ever know in Coach Chris Jones, barely passing classes, and making a ton of great memories that I carry with me every day.
As for why I’m writing this letter? It’s simple. I love you, Windsor. After graduating in 2011 I now have a job that keeps me on the road and away from you. You are where I found out the difference in the words “town” and “community”. It meant after a tornado gave you its best shot, a community came together to help each other rebuild. It meant getting goose bumps as what felt like the entire town shut down on Friday nights in the fall and cheered on the boys wearing corn and wine colored jerseys, who played under the slogan, “One Town, One Team, One Heart”. And it was with you I saw a community come to know and love a beautiful little girl named Delaney, a fantastic newspaper journalist named Jason, and a great kid and athlete named David who taught us to “Live life, love life, love God, live forever” before sadly saying goodbye to all three much too early.
And now, heading into what should be the happiest time of the year, I return home to see you standing together and supporting each other in what I believe is quite possibly the darkest period in your history, Windsor.
The genuine quality of folks that populate you, Windsor, and the love they give is exactly what makes you so wonderful. And I can speak first hand on this topic. You see my old friend, I did not return home just to visit you. No, I came back to you as a direct result of the dark cloud that seems to be hanging over you. My mother, Becky passed away three days before Thanksgiving, forcing me to come back to you, but not the way I wanted to.
Spending these last four weeks since we lost my mom waking up in my parent’s house only to see my dad, but not my beautiful mother, have been hands down the most confusing, and simply bizarre weeks of my life. But, you see, they have not been bad weeks. After having to come back to say goodbye to the woman I loved more than anything, I have been greeted and loved by you, Windsor. And with the biggest and most open arms, you have kept my family and I close to you.
Out of everywhere I’ve been, nowhere is as great as you. You’re filled with hardworking, caring, and beautiful people. Your schools produce intelligent students, while gifting them with what I know are the same unforgettable memories that fill my head thanks to amazing teachers and staffs.
You are the probably the best part of me Windsor. And I love you. I know this time now is terrible. And dark. And scary. But you have helped me through the loss of my mother. And I will help you. We will all help you. We are WindsorStrong.
Yours truly,
Tony LaPorta Class of 2011
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