This Fort Collins ‘For Rent’ Is Our Apartment Fantasy
And it can be yours, too, for the low, low price of three grand per month!
$2,795, actually, and utilities are included. There is some more good news, too. If you're thinking 'Man, my broken La-Z Boy recliner and crappy IKEA dresser are really going to destroy the Taylor-Swift-lives-here ambiance' -- because let's be real, they would -- not only does this downtown flat look like a hot centerfold in a home and garden magazine, but it comes fully furnished. Excuse me, while I go fantasize...
You can take a look at the 243 Jefferson Street apartment for rent in the gallery below, and if you're interested, you can check out the Zillow listing, or property listing here.
Scruggs and I are going to give you a guided tour, as if we live here, in our best Audi-driving-Anthropologie-shopping-young-professional voice.