Place Your Vote for the Prettiest Town or City in All of Colorado
No matter where you are throughout the state of Colorado, you are bound to see something different in every corner. But which area personifies beauty more than the others?
That's the question we are asking you today, as we compile your votes for who you think is the prettiest city or town in the entire state.
Of course, this vote is clearly based on your opinion. Maybe you like having the mountains surround you when you make a stop in the state.
You also may like being able to walk through the desert and have the sand drift through your toes.
Or you may like the historic charm that some areas bring forth.
No matter what your opinion says is the prettiest town of them all, we want to hear from you!
We have ten choices listed below, but you can always place your own write-in vote as well! Go ahead and let us know!
- 1
Fort Collins
- 2
Glenwood Springs
- 3
Estes Park
- 4
Manitou Springs
- 5
- 6
- 7
Steamboat Springs
- 8
- 9
- 10