The City of Fort Collins has updated it's recycling rules, telling residents to forget about recycling certain types of plastic because it's to expensive.
I don't know about anyone else reading this, but I dream of the day when I can tell Century Link to go s**k it, without having to immediately all Comcast right afterwards.
Each town or city throughout the state of Colorado has it's own unique features which many of the locals can say make them the prettiest in the state. But if you had to pick one area which you think is the prettiest, who would you choose?
There are many stop lights throughout the city of Fort Collins, but there are some lights that tend to turn red quicker than the others. Which lights throughout the city bug you the most and feel like you need to "race the green"?
While most of us only know of our very own Greeley, did you realize there are six other towns throughout America that carry the same name? After seeing these, you'll feel lucky we have the Greeley that we do!