Next Group of People Can Get COVID-19 Vaccine in Colorado March 5
Phase 1B.3 of COVID-19 vaccine distribution starts March 5, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has stated. This next rollout will include more frontline workers and individuals with high-risk conditions. CDPHE estimates this phase will include almost one million people.
Phase 1B.3 will allow those over the age of 60 to get vaccinated, in addition to 'frontline essential workers in grocery and agriculture,' prioritizing those who can't maintain social distance and work in close contact, Larimer County said.

Additionally, people between the age of 16 and 59 could also get the vaccine starting next week if they have two or more high risk conditions. Those include: cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, obesity, Down syndrome, heart disease, pregnancy and more.
Previous phases included frontline healthcare workers, first responders, people over the age of 70 and K-12 teachers. The next phase will include people 50 and older, higher education staff, restaurant workers, faith leaders, journalists, postal carriers and more.
Phase 1B.4 is expected to start late March.
As of February 25, over 1.2 of the 5.8 million Colorado residents had gotten at least one vaccine. CDPHE has reported over 420,000 Coloradans have gotten both doses.
As of the same date, Colorado's positivity rate was 3.57 percent and continues to decline. The state is reporting 77 percent of ICU beds are occupied, and 28 percent of ventilators are in use.
The NoCo Virus Tracker articles are made possible by our partners, the Keep NoCo Open campaign that reminds citizens to wear a mask, wash your hands, physically distance and support local as Northern Colorado recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Vaccine Locations in Fort Collins
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