There’s no question that traveling can be stressful. Even a luxurious Alaskan cruise. This one will probably be a Lifetime movie of the month by next year- a couple from Utah went on a cruise with their kids, but Mom and Dad had a fight, and now mom’s gone.

Cruise Ship

It’s just so sad. First, you find out that this man from Utah killed his wife while they were on a cruise; then, you find out that they were celebrating their anniversary; finally, you find out that they had their kids with them. Wow.

The family was out on an Alaskan cruise from Princess Cruises, about two days into the 7-day cruise. At around 9:00 that Tuesday night (July 25, 2017), the husband killed his wife with a blunt instrument. One of their kids, a young daughter, ran into the hallway of their deck yelling for help. A fellow passenger on the boat came into the room and found the scene. The husband was attempting to drag his dead wife’s bloody body overboard via their balcony. Passengers restrained him and prevented him from doing so.

The husband told one of the passengers who had come into the room, ‘She would not stop laughing at me.’ Chills.

The couple, from Santa Clara Utah, were both 39; that most likely puts the ages of their kids at around 10-years-old. Now, Mom’s dead, and Dad’s going to prison. SAD!

No one can say, right now, what the couple’s relationship was like before they left on that ship, but you’d have to think that it wasn’t blissful. Especially for the husband, who went completely off the rails after she laughed at him. Over what? Whatever she was laughing/ridiculing him over, it most certainly didn't warrant killing her.

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If domestic violence is affecting your family, please call Alternatives to Violence and/or A Woman's Place.

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