He's funny, kooky, loveable. Bill Murray. He's been in dozens of movies. We asked which is your favorite. Here are your Top Five.

For my Movie Monday on July 29, 2019, I asked the listeners which of Bill Murray's movies is their favorite. Between on-air calls and Facebook comments, here are the five that were mentioned the most.

#5 - Scrooged

The Dickens classic gets the comedic retelling in this beauty from 1988. Rotten Tomatoes gives it 70%. You made it your 5th choice.

Gayle in Loveland made it her first choice on our Facebook page -

So many to choose from! He is so funny!
Scrooged, Ghostbusters, Groundhog day, Stripes and Caddyshack.



By the end, you can't get ENOUGH Bob. Richard Dreyfuss is hysterical as well in this one from 1991. Rotten Tomatoes rates it at 84%. Not too shabby, Bill.

Candy, also in Loveland:

What about Bob! Love that movie - makes me laugh every time!



Of course Caddyshack made the top 5. Bill plays a bit character that pretty much steals the show away from Chevy Chase. From July 1980. Rotten Tomatoes says it's fairly ripe at 74%.


Another one of the 80's best. Rotten Tomatoes scores this 1981 hits at a whopping 86%. Anytime that someone mentions Wisconsin, I still drop that memorable line: 'I got the s&%* kicked out of me in Wisconsin one time!' Also, RIP, John Candy.


Groundhog Day is a winner. No question. 96% on Rotten Tomatoes, this one came out around Valentine's Day in 1991.

Interesting comment on our Facebook from Chad:

Groundhog day. I was actually a extra in that movie. It was filmed in Woodstock Illinois. I used to live there.


Thanks for chiming in on another Movie Monday!

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