New Outdoor Mural Being Painted in Downtown Greeley
Downtown Greeley is just about to get a brand new outdoor mural. The mural, spanning approximately 2,500 sq. ft., will depict blossoming flowers in the historic style of famous painter Georges Pierre Seurat. It will be unique to Greeley and created by local artist Eleanor Yates.
Eleanor Yates, the artist, has painted over one hundred murals across the globe. She specializes in painting portraits in Italian renaissance mediums and her murals range in size from a few feet to five stories tall.
The new artwork will be on the east facing wall outside of Warm Hugs at 809 10th St. in Greeley.
Work on the new mural could begin Thursday, April 5, depending on the weather, with finishing touches happening before the end of the month.
The project was made possible through funding from the 1% for Public Art budget and the Downtown Development Authority with permission to paint the wall from building owners Suzane and Jim Sereff.
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