How well is the spread of COVID-19 being controlled in your county, and what restrictions are there? This new interactive map from the State of Colorado will tell you.

There are currently five levels of 'county status' in Colorado; Ranging from red, indicating 'Stay at Home,' the most restrictive, to green, the least restrictive at 'Protect Our Neighbors.'

Fortunately, none of Colorado is red or orange. A majority is yellow, 'Safer Level 2,' or blue, 'Safer Level 1,' and some counties are in the green.

  • Larimer County is Safer Level 1: Cautious (blue). The two-week average positivity rate (2.7%) and hospitalizations are in the green, with nine days of declining or stable hospitalizations as of September 17.
  • Weld County is Safer Level 2: Concern (yellow), with a higher two-week average positivity rate at nearly four percent, but Weld has also seen ten days of declining or stable hospitalizations as of September 17.

Click the image to see the full interactive map and county data.

Source: KKTV

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