The story of the love and support one Lyons, CO family has received from all over the world will give you faith in humanity.

April is Autism Awareness Month. What is autism? Autism Spectrum Disorder usually presents itself from early childhood, often characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language. As a society, we have made tremendous strides in our understanding of autism and what it looks like, but too often society's understanding remains abstract.

Kim Malito of Lyons, CO took to Facebook this past week with a unique request. Kim explained how her daughter, Lia, was celebrating her 13th birthday. Kim said, "although she desperately wants friends and to be like every other girl her age, she has been rejected by her peers because she is seen as being “different.” Her social acceptance has varied over the years, however as she has gotten older, her peers have become increasingly unwilling to accept her and at this point have shunned her completely."

Kim continues with her post on Facebook saying, "I share this with all of you, “my friends and community,” for a couple reasons: 1. To ask for your help. 2. To bring awareness to the social struggles kids on the spectrum experience each and every day."

The Malitos said that following the post which was shared 144 times, cards and gifts started coming in from as far away as China. The biggest surprise was last night (4/27) on Lia's birthday nearly a hundred people showed up to their neighborhood. Balloons, gifts, cake and a whole lot of people sang "Happy Birthday."

Cards for Lia can be sent to:
120 Eagle Valley Drive
Lyons, CO 80540

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