Downtown Loveland to Close Streets to Traffic on Saturdays
There'd been talk of 4th Street being closed to traffic so that restaurants/businesses could expand outside. They've taken that a step further.
The Reporter-Herald has the story on how speculation that 4th Street might be open to just pedestrians has become a reality. This will allow businesses and restaurants to take advantage of the city allowing them to expand out onto those streets.
On Saturday evenings, starting July 11, 2020, 4th Street between Lincoln and Railroad, along with 3rd Street in the area The Foundry, the Downtown District will be putting up traffic barricades from 4 p.m. on.
This will not be like a festival, where pedestrians walk around freely; patrons will be relegated to staying within the designated areas. Other, now common, restrictions will be in place as well: No parties over 8 persons, mask-use unless seated, etc.
This will be a part of Downtown Loveland's 'Saturday Night Dine Out' series which will run for 10 weeks starting July 11, with specials and live rooftop music events.
It'll be interesting to see how many of the businesses and restaurants take advantage of the opportunity to bring in much-needed income that's been lost due to the pandemic.
Get more on the Downton District's plan from the Reporter-Herald HERE.

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