Poudre School District announced on August 4, 2021, that beginning August 5, all persons, vaccinated or not, will be required to wear masks indoors, in all buildings.

It surely wasn't an easy decision, but it will be one that will be met with some anger. PSD Superindentent Brian Kingsley issued the statement that the district, in the effort to keep kids in school and avoid any quarantines, will require masks will be worn indoors, for everyone.

From the Superintendent:

A lot of you may ask why. Why now? What’s changed? The short answer is the Delta variant. It’s more contagious, it’s spreading and it’s impacting both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. With our increased case rates and current vaccination rate, Larimer County is now considered high risk. The benchmarks set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that we need additional protective measures. And truth be told, even though we’ve done everything in our power to keep our community safe, we need to do more.

Many parents will be relieved by the decision, just like many will be upset. Hopefully, this won't last long. Decisions such as this, along with more and more people getting vaccinated, will bring the numbers down.

Check out Superintendent Kingsley's announcement.

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