10 Northern Colorado “Christmas in July” Gift Ideas
The weather in Colorado has been ridiculously hot since the beginning of June, and this weekend we are five months away from Christmas. So why not celebrate?
If you watch television at any point in the day, you've probably seen some of your favorite cable channels running Christmas movies this month.
Or if you have seen QVC, you've seen that you can already start your holiday shopping.
Plus, we all know the department stores will start stocking their shelves with Christmas lights and decorations by the end of August, so it really isn't a bad idea to have those gift ideas already handy.
So here are the ten gift ideas that we think you should buy right now, or when they first come out, that scream NORTHERN COLORADO.
Who knows...maybe you could throw a party at the end of this month and exchange gifts?
Or maybe you could do a holiday cookie exchange. That sounds and looks even better!
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