I've lived in the state of Colorado for three years now, and admittedly I haven't taught myself the difference between a rattlesnake and a bull snake.

No matter how long you have lived in the state, it's a really good idea to know what you are approaching when you come across one of the many snakes throughout the state.

There's one important thing you need to know about the bull snake. It is not poisonous like the rattlesnake is. Can you get bit by a bull snake? Definitely. But the bull snake does more good for your house and yard than you may actually know.

According to the website Sciencing, here are some good reminders of what the differences are between the two snakes:

  • Bull snakes don't have a rattler. It may sound like they do when you get close to them, but that is them vibrating their tails forcefully.
  • Rattlesnakes elevate their tails when they are rattling, while a bull snake will keep their tails low to the ground
  • When it comes to their color, a bull snake is more of a pale yellow/cream color while a rattlesnake is much darker. They do usually have the same patterns, so that's where people may get confused.
  • The pupils of a bull snake are circular while a rattlesnake has more vertical eyes.

I was looking around YouTube to see if I can find a great video which could also show you more of the unique characteristics of each snake, and came across this for you to watch. When you see this video, you can definitely see the differences between the two.

The key to remember in the state of Colorado is to always be vigilant of your surroundings, and keep your eyes open for any snakes that may be hiding in tall grass. If you're going hiking, make sure you stay on the marked paths throughout the state which will help lessen the chance of you being bit by one of these suspicious creatures!


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