Team Fort Collins really wants teens to have all the information that they need when they face tough decisions about drugs and alcohol.

That way, they can become adults that have all the information that they need when they face tough decisions about drugs and alcohol. It doesn't get any easier to make the right call when we grow older, but if we have the right info, maybe some won't establish damaging patterns as teens that are tough to break when they are adults.

I know this story in and out. It happened to me.

As Gordon Coombes, Executive Director of Team Fort Collins, talked about at :23 into the video, the old way doesn't work with this generation. I am from the generation that was told, in a stern voice, I might add, "Just Say No to Drugs." It was coming from people I was pretty sure didn't understand me, and I didn't listen. I'm not sure if different messaging would have stopped me from doing anything, but it was refreshing to hear that they are considering the impact of what is said to kids, and how it is said. That old, 'because I said so' method was never cool. But staying away from drugs and alcohol is cool.

At least that's what I've found since I quit drinking five years ago.

Team Fort Collins has solutions for teens that are similar to the ones I've found in my journey. Some of them are, in nutshell, just doing other cool things. For example, instead of drinking, I play sports. Or, I create art. Or, I try to make more money for my family. All of these things are fun, extremely enriching to my soul, and don't damage me the way that drinking did.

I was honored and pleased to hear that they wanted me to host their annual fundraising gala, Simply Red. The 12th Annual Simply Red event will take place on February 13, 2015 at the Hilton Fort Collins. Simply Red benefits Team Fort Collins, a nationally-recognized social change organization which promotes healthy life choices through education and awareness. Team works to prevent the abuse and illegal use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs among youth, their families and our community.

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