Polis: Mask Use in Public Not Ending Anytime Soon for Colorado
The Governor, in an op-ed column for The Denver Post, commended all Coloradans on how successful 'Stay-at-Home' was, but stated that we still have a long way to go.
I know I, myself, have been shopping online for packs of masks. But I've been frustrated because the shipments may not arrive until June. According to Governor Polis' latest comments, I should go ahead click 'buy' anyway.
In his recent (April 29, 2020) op-ed column, Polis was very upbeat about how Colorado's 'Stay-at-Home' order had managed to 'flatten the curve' for the state, buying time to get testing supplies up and keeping the amount of hospital stays to manageable numbers.
But with good news, also comes the bad.
It sounds like we'll be wearing masks or cloth face coverings for the foreseeable future.
From Polis' column in The Denver Post:
The brutal, honest truth is that we will likely need to maintain some level of distancing in our society and continue to wear facial coverings in public until there’s a cure or a vaccine for COVID-19. That could take months, even years. And if we relax restrictions too quickly, we will lose the progress we have made, and we may overwhelm our hospital system, causing hundreds, if not thousands, of unnecessary deaths.
I'm sure none of us ever imagined how different our lives could be within just a few short months. But as the saying has been, 'We're All in This Together.'
Get Polis' full op-ed at The Denver Post HERE.

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