An outbreak of mumps in the state of Colorado has prompted officials to warn hospitals throughout the state to look out for symptoms.

According to the Denver Post, four cases have been confirmed in Denver and there are two other cases that are under investigation.

There could be a link between these cases and a recent outbreak that occurred in Iowa.

Denver usually only sees 2.5 cases per year in the city.

Most mumps cases are relatively mild, but can develop serious complications in some patients who don't receive treatment early.

Mumps symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches and swollen salivary glands. The virus can be spread by coughing, sneezing, talking and other means.

Officials want to stress that the recent outbreak in mumps cases isn't directly connected to a lack of vaccinations.

Vaccinations while you are a child don't last completely into adulthood, and can diminish as someone gets older.

The Denver Post states that symptoms can appear between 12-25 days after someone is infected. The illness lasts from three to ten days.

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