Loveland’s ‘Old’ Crow Hop Brewing Taproom to Shutter on Sunday
Nearly five years after they originally opened, Loveland's Crow Hop Brewing is ready to officially expand. Before they do, they'll be shutting down what has been a small but cozy place to enjoy their beer!
Will you make it out to say goodbye to the old taproom?
Mother's Day 2018 will be the last day you can have a drink at Crow Hop's current taproom location; the location they've had since they opened in 2013.
It's not that the brewery itself is closing; they'll still be brewing and packaging beer at their 3rd street location, their brand new taproom opens in early June- way over on 4th Street!
The new taproom is set for its grand opening on June 2, 2018! From what I've seen it looks like it's going to be a great space- more room inside and more room outside to enjoy one of their great crafted beers!
I've enjoyed hanging out at the current taproom; the little patio, the little bar inside; sitting at one of the little tables inside while reading a book. I look forward to the 4th Street Crow Hop taproom, but I think I'll miss 'Old Crow.'
Get more on their Last Day on 3rd St. via Facebook!