Like many businesses, the Fort Collins dispensary Choice Organics has been stuck in limbo since shutting its doors on Tuesday afternoon.

But co-founder Erica Freeman said in a Friday morning (March 20) phone call that the decade-old 813 Smithfield Drive marijuana business has been making contingency arrangements to "reopen soon under a plan to help keep everyone safe. This is, of course, depending on the State mandates." 

Safety is what prompted the initial closure. While the temporary Colorado state government ban on restaurant dining rooms and gyms doesn’t extend to marijuana dispensaries, Choice Organics voluntarily shut its doors out of precaution.

“We made the decision based entirely on the safety of our employees, customers and community,” Freeman said. “We wanted to help flatten the curve.”

Choice Organics employees were paid in full through their next pay period and sent home with care packages that included toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

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Now Freeman and staff are strategizing to get the shop reopened as quickly as safety will allow, depending on the mandates from the State. Choice Organics serves medical cannabis products that many patients rely on.

While delivery could someday become an option for the business — a Boulder dispensary was granted the state’s first medical marijuana delivery license on Thursday (March 19), according to the Denver Post — Larimer County, which regulates Choice Organics' capabilities in the community, currently doesn’t allow delivery.

When Choice Organics does reopen, there’s sure to be some demand.

When the dispensary announced its pending temporary closure in a Monday Facebook post, the public stocked up like it was toilet paper — Choice Organics went on to set an all-time Monday sales record.


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