‘Honey Festival’ At This Weekend’s Loveland Farmers Market
When I was little we always had 3 huge jars of honey. 3 different colors, 3 different flavors. We didn't eat a lot of sweets, but honey was allowed. I found a love for pretzels dipped in honey, cold peanut butter and honey sandwiches, because it turns taffy-like and honey drizzled on popcorn is amazing. I am one of those people who refers to honey as liquid gold and I do what I can to help bees. If you are feeling like your honey appreciation may be at a different(more normal) level than mine, don't worry you will still enjoy the upcoming Honey Festival.
This Sunday, September 8, enjoy the Honey Festival at the City of Loveland Farmers Market. There will be a chance to learn about bees, chat with CSU Master Gardeners, see sticky cooking demonstrations from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and kids can enjoy a tea party with teddy bears(bring your own).
The festival goes from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Fairgrounds Park.
The City of Loveland explains the directions this way:
How to get to the Farmers Market in Loveland
700 S. Railroad Avenue in Loveland
Pavilions #1 and #2 at the far north end of Fairgrounds ParkCareful! Google maps could lead you astray.
The address is 700 S. Railroad Ave. Railroad Ave. also is called S. Roosevelt Ave. north of the Big Thompson River when in Google maps. Fairgrounds Park is located south of First St. and west of Highway 287. The park is west of Barnes Park and the Barnes Softball Complex and Batting Cages.
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