Hikers Are Climbing The Incline on Saturday to Protest Its Closure
Here's the most Colorado thing you'll read all day.
A group of hikers is going to voluntarily climb the Manitou Incline on Saturday (June 20) to protest its COVID-19 closure, according to KRDO.
The idea for the protest came to fruition in the Facebook group "The Manitou Incline, Everything's Better on the Incline!," after group members were bothered that other trails in the area were opening, but not the Incline.
Member Mark Rickman told KRDO that the 130 people who are planning to attend the protest will wear protective gear and social distance while on the trail.
The City of Manitou Springs closed the popular hiking destination in mid-March due to the pandemic, with no official reopening plan in sight.
Signs at the beginning of the Incline warn trespassers to either stay off the trail or risk a hefty fine.
However, Manitou Springs Mayor John Graham told KRDO he doesn't think that the protesters will receive much backlash from authorities, since they are mostly following public health guidelines.
He also revealed that a plan to reopen the Incline is in the works, although he did not disclose a reopening date.
The hikers will meet at 7 a.m. at the Incline for the protest. As for me, I'll be at my house, because everything's better on my couch.

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