Please, don't litter...especially if it's an entire house. People in northeast Weld County are throwing out everything, likely even the kitchen sink, illegally dumping old, dilapidated trailer homes on open land and private property.

Weld County Sherriff's Office says they have already identified one individual who is responsible for doing this. However, WCSO is asking the community for help in finding more of the abandoned trailers, and are seeking a solution to this problem.

Weld County Sheriff's Office
Weld County Sheriff's Office

'The abandoned trailers were first reported Sunday, Feb. 2,' WCSO posted on Facebook. 'Since then, deputies have located seven mobile home trailers abandoned on county roads, in pastures and on private property. Most of the trailers have been dumped in northeast Weld County near the towns of Briggsdale and Hereford.'

One person identified has already picked up several of the trailers, but more are still scattered throughout the county, upsetting residents who come home to find, well, another home on their property.

'The sheriff’s office is working in collaboration with the county attorney’s office, planning and zoning, and public works to continue to expedite a resolution,' WCSO said.

If you see any more abandoned trailers, call (970) 350-9600, prompt 4.

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