Whether you have a flat tire or just feel like your riding style is a little rusty the City of Fort Collins FC Bikes department is here to help.

They are offering three new programs to make cycling a little easier for you this spring and summer.

The first program is the Bike Fix-it Bonanza Saturday, April 27, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

So, dust off ole faithful the bike and bring it on over, because FC Bikes is partnering with shops in the community to provide free bicycle safety checks and minor adjustments.

This will take place at 5 locations: Lee Martinez Park, Salud Family Health Center on Laporte, Trinity Lutheran Church on East Stuart, Shepherd of the Hills Church on Taft Hill, and the CSU Trial Garden on Remington Street.

There will also be snacks, e-bike demos and games while you wait for your safety check.

The second program that FC Bikes is offering is a program that uses the Borrowing Our Bicycle Ambassadors.  This is for groups and individuals who want to get pedaling and learn more about bikes.

"Groups can select a program that meets their needs, from fixing a flat to learning the rules of the road related to bicycling (classroom-style or on-bike), and the FC Bikes Bicycle Ambassadors will lead the training for no-cost." -The City of Fort Collins

The third program is the City’s Bike Buddy Program, this program helps you overcome barriers to bicycling.

The Bike Buddy program pairs you with a Bicycle Ambassador. You'll work one-on-one to learn the ins and outs of using a bicycle for transportation. Including route finding, selecting the right gear to safely riding with traffic, and more.

"The Bike Buddy program is designed to help those who want to bike to work, school or anywhere in town with more confidence and ability." -The City of Fort Collins

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