Fort Collins Family With 1lb Newborn Needs Your Help
A Fort Collins family needs our help. Bill and Monique were told that their newborn baby daughter Sophia was going to die, which is terrifying for any family. They where then rushed to University Hospital in Aurora. Their daughter was born at 23 weeks at 1 lb 3oz. She is now in university NICU and she is making advances every day but she will be in Aurora till 9/11. She had heart surgery Wednesday and is doing well.
The family needs a little help getting things prepared for little sophia to come home, also to make the journey to Aurora from Ft Collins and back, a 120 mile journey both ways. The transmission on their car is also going out so they need to get it replaced asap or they won't be able to get to their daughter very easily.
A gofundme page has been started to help out the family!
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