You'd be hard-pressed (no pun intended) to find someone who hasn't started a lemonade stand at some point in their life — I'll never forget the time I scored $12 selling Country Time in 2003.

However, two local children have taken this age-old tradition to the next level. Not only are they selling peaches, a Colorado favorite, instead of lemonade, but they're also donating the money they make to a great cause: helping Northern Colorado's wildlife.

According to a Facebook post from the Northern Colorado Wildlife Center (NCWC), a portion of the stand's proceeds will go towards the non-profit, which works to rehabilitate and rescue sick, orphaned, or injured wildlife.

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"There's a lot more tricks up our sleeve as rehabilitators than people think," Tallon Nightwalker, director of NCWC, told Townsquare NoCo in our past "Tuned In to NoCo" interview. "We just try to do what we can to save them and give them a second chance at life in the wild."

Currently, the organization is rehabilitating a box turtle that was struck by a car in Denver. Although the turtle is making "slow and steady progress," it still requires an expensive omnivore formula — something that the peach stand will definitely help with.

The non-profit also recently helped to rescue 18 bats that got trapped in an elementary school. Thankfully, the animals were uninjured and released back into the wild.

While NCWC did not reveal the location of the Fort Collins peach stand, perhaps you'll run into it when driving around the Choice City. You can also donate to the non-profit directly here.

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