Former Fort Collins Brewery in Old Town Turning into Indoor Putt-Putt
Putt-Putt golf is a lot of fun. Add in that you can imbibe in some adult beverages, it takes the sting out of missing one of my favorite breweries.
I was a big fan of Patero's Creek Brewing in Old Town. Steve Patero is a great guy and the beer was awesome. His old place is becoming a putt-putt. With booze.
The Coloradoan has the story on the new place within The Exchange in Old Town- the trendy container park business area. The owners went with a simple name for the place - Old Town Putt. 'Whoah, we are not spending money on a sign with TWO 'Putts.''
Snarkiness aside, it does sound like a fun place: 9 holes and you can have a beer or perhaps an alcohol-infused slushy. Maybe I can meet Steve Patero for a game or two.
Get more on Old Town Putt from The Coloradoan HERE.