Challenging Colorado Quiz: Is It Colorado or Not Colorado?
We would like to think Colorado is one of the most beautiful places in the United States, but, the fact is, much of it looks a lot like any other state in the country.
Sure, there are features and landscapes that may be unique to specific states, but, beyond that, Mother Nature paints similar images that transcend state lines. In fact, sometimes those images even go beyond our national boundaries.
Things Aren't Always As They Appear
For example, look at the beautiful photo of the mountains above. It looks as if it could have been taken from the top of almost any of Colorado's 14ers. The truth is, that photo is not of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and it's not even in the United States. That is a picture of mountains in the country of Austria.
Colorado Isn't Really Unique After All
I guess my point is Colorado isn't really quite as unique as we would like to think it is in regards to its landscapes and scenery. One element that is a point of separation between states is the climate that goes along with the geological features. Some states have bigger extremes of hot and cold, while some are extremely humid and others are not. But, when you take climate out of the equation, you can find a lot of similarities between Colorado and many other states.
QUIZ: Colorado or Not Colorado?
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