Colorado's mask mandate was set to expire this weekend, but on Friday, April 2, Governor Polis extended the order for at least another 30 days, CBS4 Denver reported. 

There were hopes early on this spring that Colorado would have progressed enough with vaccines and herd immunity, to lift the order when it was set to expire on Saturday, April 3. But, that's not the case just yet.

Last week, Coloradans were informed by the governor that the mask mandate would at least go until mid-April. Now, the most recent mandate will expire at the beginning of May, unless it is extended again.

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Our neighboring state of Wyoming has been a mask-less state since mid-March, but Polis is cautious to lift Colorado's order until there are less infections. CBS4 reported that Polis said one out of around every 200 Coloradans is still contagious with the COVID-19 virus. You can read his full statement here.

On a more positive note (no pun intended), Colorado hit a major milestone with its COVID-19 vaccine rollout this week. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment reported that there are now one million Coloradans fully immunized as of April 1 — and no, it was not a joke. That's around 20 percent, or one-fifth of the state's population. Over one million others have had at least the first dose, as vaccine eligibility opened to the general public on Friday.

The NoCo Virus Tracker articles are made possible by our partners, the Keep NoCo Open campaign that reminds citizens to wear a mask, wash your hands, physically distance and support local as Northern Colorado recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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