Colorado in the Top 10 Most Fun States to Visit
I've often told my kids to appreciate what they see around them and love where it is they live because there are people all over the country that love to visit this place. WalletHub recently confirmed this with their Top 10 Most Fun States to Visit.
WalletHub used "26 key metrics" including the number of national parks, restaurants, nightlife, movie theaters, and fitness centers.
Before we get to the top 10, here are some interesting highlights: Colorado tied for 1st with the most skiing facilities per capita, 4th best at highest personal expenditures on recreational services per capita, and 5th place for highest state & local expenditures on parks and recreation per capita. The state did not finish in the bottom of any of the categories listed at WalletHub.
Here are the Top 10 Most Fun States to Visit:
1. California
2. New York
3. Nevada
4. Florida
5. Illinois
6. Washington
7. Texas
9. Pennsylvania
10. Minnesota