$49 Flights Out of Loveland to Hollywood Coming October 6
Burbank, the home of Hollywood, is a new destination that you'll be able to book (cheaply) out of Loveland and the Northern Colorado Regional Airport.
Now, this is a flight. Sure, you can fly from Loveland to Rockford, Illinois, but THIS, this is a flight you can wrap your "I need the west coast sun" arms around. Loveland to Burbank (Los Angeles, Hollywood) California.
Been thinking about a family trip to Universal Studios for the family, but haven't looked forward to the DIA experience? Get set, as Avelo Airlines is coming to the rescue. No, I haven't heard of them either, but they have at least one 737 with my name on it.
Avelo's slogan is 'Refreshingly Smooth Travel.' That's the kind of slogan I can get into. It's exactly what I want from an airline: refreshment and smoothness. The airline makes a big deal out of being located at airports that aren't large, so Loveland fits the bill.
Coming October 6, 2021, they'll be flying us to Burbank twice a week with one-way tickets starting at $49.
From a press release from Avelo:
”We are excited to bring Northern Colorado more choice and greater convenience in air travel, as well as the Avelo Soul of Service,” said Avelo Chairman and CEO Andrew Levy. “With this exclusive nonstop service to Los Angeles, Fort Collins and Loveland now have direct access to the best of Southern California through the region’s most convenient airport. LA has never been easier or more affordable to reach.”
'The Avelo Soul of Service.' Those Californians, always talking groovy-like.
I've flown into Burbank before; it's a great airport, much better than trying to fly into LAX. This is going to be fun. They'll be using Boeing 737s that fly 189 passengers to California. 60 of those seats will be available with 9 inches of extra legroom starting at an extra $11.
Wednesdays & Saturdays Loveland to Burbank at 11:15 a.m.
Wednesday & Saturdays Burbank to Loveland at 7:10 a.m. (Burbank time)
I did a test run of booking a flight - it's $32 with all the extra fees, bringing the price to $49. It IS $25 each way for a carry-on bag, so add $50 for that, but $150 round trip, total, isn't bad,

Where are going? Hollywood? L.A? Straight to the beach?
Book your flight with Avelo HERE.