White Russians and The Dude: ‘The Big Lebowski’ Night In Loveland
Downtown Loveland will be full of fans of 'The Dude' and White Russians when The Rialto and a barbershop downtown host 'The Big Lebowski.'
The 1998 cult classic, 'The Big Lebowski' will show at 8 p.m. on Saturday, September 25, 2021, on the big screen at The Rialto Theater. A movie about a case of mistaken identity, a kidnapping, and bowling. Lord knows, it's about bowling.
The event in Loveland will be hosted by The Rialto and Head Zeppelin, a barbershop on 4th Street; they'll have a costume contest in the middle of the movie as they hold an 'intermission.' I wonder at what part the intermission will begin? How do you stop that rollercoaster of a movie, once it's begun?
Jeff Bridges recently announced that his cancer is in remission, which is great news for fans of the only actor who could play 'The Dude;' a man just out trying to mind his own business, but gets caught up in all sorts of shenanigans involving another Jeffery Lebowski, 'Big' Lebowski.
Julianne Moore. John Goodman. Steve Buscemi. John Turturro. This could be John Tutoro's second-best performance, right after 'Quiz Show.'
Sam Elliot. Let's definitely not forget Sam Elliot as 'The Cowboy,' doling out tidbits of advice to our hero throughout the movie.
General Admission tickets for the event are $10. I would expect to see specials on White Russians availabe via Door 222, next door to the Rialto.
Which character would you dress up as? It's pretty easy to go as 'The Dude,' with a robe, sungliasses and rocks glass; I might have to go just to get pictures of it all.
Get your tickets for the event HERE.