I know, I know. It sounds pretty funky at first. But when you really stop to examine all that goes into a bizarre sounding pizza concoction like this, what's not to love?

A nice fluffy, salty crust. A creamy white sauce, perhaps with a hint of garlic. Delicious mozzarella cheese. One of the best former vegetables turned showpiece/condiment: a nice dill pickle slice. And maybe some bacon for good measure.

I know at first it sounds really weird, but the more you think about it - and I mean really think about it - you're going to talk yourself into thinking it would actually be pretty darn good and want to try one.

Related: Is The Best Gas Station Pizza Ever Coming to Fort Collins?

Pickle pizzas have been a trend coming and going across social media the last couple years, even a few rare spots across the state of Colorado. But which pizza place in Fort Collins will step up to the plate and deliver the savory, sour and acidic taste of a pickle pizza?

I will admit, I have not surveyed every single pizza shop's menu for the pickle pizza, but I've spent at least an hour going through various menus and have yet to find a single place that offers this as a specialty.

Will someone officially step to the plate and put the Pickle Pizza on their menu in Northern Colorado? If not, we can always make our own at home, and I've got what seems like a decent recipe for you. But first, let's have a look at how amazing one of these specialty pies could look, courtesy of some random pizza shops across the country.

If no Fort Collins pizza shop steps up to deliver this glorious evolution of "anything can go on a pizza" pizza, you could always make it at home. You can get a recipe here, courtesy of IamHomesteader.com.

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2022 DeLoreans Day at Totally 80's Pizza in Fort Collins

September 18, 2022, was Totally 80's Pizza's "DeLoreans/Back tot Future Day" at their new location at Drake and Shields in Fort Collins.

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