A 'Yinzer' is a person from Pittsburgh. The term stems from the use of the word 'yinz' (correct spelling on this is tough because it's a word from a local dialect) that is heard in Southwestern Pennsylvania. It is used to refer to the 2nd person plural, and the best way to describe it is to say that what 'y'all' is to the south, 'yinz' is to Pittsburgh. An example of its use: "What are yinz doing for the Super Bowl." Translation - What are you people doing for the Super Bowl?

Where this comes from is hard to pinpoint, but the dialect is heard throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania, in parts of Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky.

The state of Pennsylvania is interesting, because you have country, almost Midwest on the western side, and metropolis on the East. Penn State University pulls equally from both sides, so Pittsburgh kids and Philly kids end up there together and the Philly kids are always baffled at the word 'Yinz'.

And baffling it is. No point in explaining it or debating it to death. Yinz is what yinz are gonna be, and go Steelers!

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