What do the Denver Zoo and U2 have in common? Is that the band is a bunch of animals? No. Is it that the zoo animals have garnered millions and millions of dollars with their 30+ year music career? No.


Michael Buckner, Getty Images

The Denver Zoo recently made the news with the birth of that new giraffe, Dobby. Sure, a cute animal will always get the public’s attention, but it’s the new tiger exhibit that caught MY attention. It’s a 22-acre exhibit to hold the zoo’s Amur tigers.

I don’t know a lot about Amur tigers, but I do know a little about U2.   Amur are also known as ‘Siberian’ tigers. OK, I have heard of Siberians. But, you’d be pretty hard-pressed to find an Amur/Siberian tiger that knows that ‘The Edge’ is the guitar player for U2.

That’s the thing! ‘The Edge’ is now also the name of the new exhibit for the Amur tigers! It appears to be coincidence. Denver 7 has the full story- about how the exhibit is cutting-edge and how the animals are on the edge of extinction, but I’d have to believe that there’s been a U2 fan in on the project from the get-go!

U2/The Edge
Slavin Vlasic, Getty Images

You know, it was two women from Denver who helped out Bono after he had a bicycling accident in New York City, a couple of years back. Maybe one of those women works for the zoo? Calling the exhibit ‘Bono’ would have been too obvious, right? Plus, this year IS the 30th anniversary of ‘The Joshua Tree’, one of U2’s biggest selling albums. I’ll bet that if you were to hunt around ‘The Edge’ exhibit, one of the logs for the tigers to climb on has ‘Joshua Tree’ scratched into it!

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