So, what are the odds on the Superbowl? Not the normal stuff like MVP or end of quarter scores etc.

No is offering odds on the few more unlikely betting options.

- The over/under on how long it takes Christina Aguilera to sing the national anthem is 1 minute 50 seconds.

- The over/under on how long Aguilera will hold the note at “Brave” at the end of the national anthem is 6 seconds.

- Odds that Aguilera will wear a cowboy hat while belting out the anthem in Dallas are 3/1.

- It’s 10/1 odds that Fergie will be wearing a thong, bikini or some type of abbreviated apparel on her lower body when she performs at halftime, and 5/1 that she’ll be dressed as a Cowboys cheerleader at some point.

- The over/under on how many times Fox will cut to a live look at Jerry Jones is three.

- The over/under on Fox mentions of Brett Favre is 2.5, and that’s also the over/under for how many times “lockout” will be referenced.

- It’s 10/1 that a punt will hit Cowboy Stadium’s massive video board.

- The odds for the color of Gatorade that will be dumped on the winning head coach are yellow 3/2, clear or water 2/1, orange 5/2, green 5/1, red 15/2 and blue 10/1.

Christina Aguilera

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