Beginning this week, residents and visitors throughout Weld County will have another tool to use in an emergency: Text-to-911. We have all the details for you.
As of June 1, some laws changed in Colorado — believe it or not — lightening up on texting while driving. However, this definitely doesn't mean you should do it, of course.
A new CDOT survey suggests that lots of us are distracted while driving. There were 607 fatalities on Colorado roadways in 2016. These new statistics are scary.
This weekend the Colorado State Patrol will be out looking for distracted drivers as part of a statewide distracted driving enforcement period. Texting and driving is illegal for all Colorado drivers.
These people live among us. They probably touch the same fruit as you at the grocery store and sit next to you at the DMV. You might even be one of them.
These people live among us. They probably touch the same fruit as you at the grocery store and sit next to you at the DMV. You might even be one of them.
Watch what happens when a driving tester requires sbujects send a text during their examination. They seem to learn quickly that both activities suffer when one tries to text and drive.
There's a secret language that teens are using today via the internet and text that every parent should know It's much more than BRB and LOL, and much it you will find disturbing.