Seven Loveland and Fort Collins Places to Partake in Presidential Libations on Presidents’ Day
You have the day off, what are you going to do with it? We're on our 45th President as a nation- that says a lot! Why not celebrate Presidents’ Day by visiting our choices for some POTUS DRINKUS!
What a great country this is! We get a day off to celebrate each of the Presidents we've had! Well, HOPEFULLY, you get the day off...
Back in the day, a friend of mine and I would look forward to Presidents’ Day; if only for the fact we would have a ton of fun going into Chili’s and ordering the Presidente Margarita!
I got to thinking, ‘There are probably at least of few other establishments that would fit the bill..’ So, I sat down and came up with seven spots around Loveland and Fort Collins for you to celebrate, if not our CURRENT President, your FAVORITE President!
I did call all seven of these establishments, and they will ALL be OPEN on Presidents' Day! Please drive safe, and God Bless America!