Puzzle Tournament to Benefit Elderhaus January 26
There won't be any 'Super' games on TV this Saturday, so why not get out for some games of a different kind?
On Saturday, January 26, 2019, Barne & Noble in Fort Collins will be hosting a Puzzle Party in conjunction with their 'Bookfairs' fundraising campaign. It will start a 2:00 that afternoon, with proceed benefiting Elderhaus Adult Day Program in Fort Collins.
I wonder what kinds of puzzles will be involved? Jigsaw only, or maybe word puzzles..etc? Sound like a pretty nice little Saturday, for a good cause!
You can also help out Elderhaus by entering a special code at checkout from January 26, through February 2, 2019, at BN.com/Bookfairs.
Get more on the event and the code to use to help out Elderhaus HERE!