My Newborn Daughter and I Missed Paul McCartney by One Day
As I mentioned on the show this morning - while in the midst of congratulating Linda King of Greeley on her epic win of the Paul McCartney flyaway to go see him perform live at Metlife Stadium on June 16 - my now 3-year old daughter was born in Liverpool back in 2018.
My wife is British, and in addition to wanting to keep the process close to "home" for her, the affordability of having a baby in England - meaning, it was 100% free, as opposed to the $8500 out of pocket it cost us for her US born baby sister, but I digress - and the advantages from a dual citizenship standpoint made it a no-brainer to me. So before she was born, my wife and I went out to jolly old England and stayed a few months. Once she was born, we came home to the States a month later.
As no doubt you know, your first born coming into the world is pretty darn special. It's what happened in Liverpool the week she was born that ended up also being pretty special.
James Corden and Paul McCartney had been in Liverpool that week recording a Carpool Karaoke segment for The Late Late Show, to air on CBS a short time later. We didn't know this at the time.
My wife and I had to go back to the hospital in Liverpool a couple days after Callie was born for a checkup and to pick up her birth certificate. She was born a few blocks away from Penny Lane - which is an actual street in Liverpool, if you didn't know - so we decided to swing by there for a quick photo opp. Because, the Beatles, right?
We still didn't realize at the time Paul McCartney had just been there, in addition to performing a surprise set at a local pub in town.
When the Carpool Karaoke segment aired a few days later, it included a scene of Sir Paul actually signing the Penny Lane street sign we took a picture next to the week prior. So I flipped open my phone and zoomed in, and sure enough, look what we didn't notice in the picture while we were there.
Turns out we had missed him by just a day. I often wonder if when Callie is an adult, the Beatles will still be relevant and she'll tell her friends, "oh yeah, I was born in Liverpool too" to collective oohs and aahs, or if her friends will go "what's a beetle? Like the bug?"
But for a middle aged radio dude with an appreciation for them and their impact on music still today, it's pretty darn cool to me. And by the way, for what it's worth, her favorite song at the moment is "Here Comes The Sun," so she's on the right track in life.
Check out the entire Carpool Karaoke segment below. It was epic.