Loveland Vet Clinic Wins the Internet with ‘Pee on Putin’ Hydrant
Who knows how many dogs have ‘used’ the red fire hydrant at this Loveland veterinary clinic, but that number is about to soar, as they found the perfect way to support Ukraine.
The conversation had to have been short and to the point:
Let’s put a picture of Putin on the fire hydrant out front and let dogs pee on him.
I love it. Not just our clients dogs, either. All dogs.
As of Tuesday, March 1, 2022, there’s Putin, in all his smug glory, sitting just about dog-leg high, at Boyd Lake Veterinary Center off of Eisenhower and Boyd Lake Drive. Putin looks like he’s all but daring your dog to ‘let loose’ on him.
Putin ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine; it probably won’t take much ordering or coaxing from you to have your dog pee on the President. How many pictures of former spy will Boyd Lake go through until those troops are ordered back to Russia?
The photo of the hydrant was posted on the Lovelanders Facebook page, where it garnered scores of great comments:
I'll bring my two dogs and then I'm going to go find some stray dogs and bring them....
Put some water dishes out to make certain their bladders are full.
My family is Ukrainian. There are a few Ukrainians in NoCo. I’m trying to get the rest of my family out of Ukraine. It’s terrible what’s happening. This made me laugh!! thank you
I’m a Vet Tech as well!! Support all the way around
I’m from Poland… Polish Businesses and ordinary citizens help Ukrainians as much as possible.
That’s a real tragedy. Poles and many other European countries feel anxious about their own security. I hope we can stop it together and avoid a European or World War…
Nice to see this here in our city Thank you
I don't have a dog; but I may get my brother to go over there with his dog to 'take care of business.'