What is going on in America? Here it is another child served alcohol accidentally. This time it happened in a Longmont Chilis.


Understandably, mom, Pamela Bruenning was not happy. Do you think charges should be brought in these cases?

A 29-year-old Longmont woman is angry that alcohol was served to her three children — ages 8, 6 and 1 — during a family outing Monday at a Chili's restaurant.

"My oldest daughter got really sick," said Pamela Bruenning. "I was really angry."

Police investigated and decided against filing criminal charges, but Longmont police Cmdr. Jeff Satur said Thursday he has concerns about the actions of the staff that led to the three kids being served strawberry daiquiris.

He said the report that a patrol officer wrote about the incident has been forwarded to the Longmont city prosecutor to review for possible charges.

The complete story is in the Times Call

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