I meet people on the chairlift and gondola all the time. We rap about the standard stuff. Where are you from? Come here often?

Sometimes it goes deeper and I make a new friend. This usually happens when I realize I am on the chair with locals who can show me parts of the mountain I haven't seen.

When I boarded the gondola with my new friend Cole Schreiber, I knew he'd be a great one to ride with. He's a young pro, in college but currently hanging in Steamboat during the competitive snowboard season. I asked him where he was going and he said "To drop Million Dollar Rock. Wanna come?" Yes. Yes, I do.

So, we made our way over there. Before we arrived, I asked the two most important questions..."Will I be able to ski around it?" and "Do you mind if I take video?" Both answers were to my liking. Here is the massive drop!

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