First Omicron Variant Case Confirmed in Colorado
Breaking COVID-19 news today (December 2, 2021) as it has been reported that a traveler to South Africa has returned to Colorado with the latest variant.
9News is reporting that the Colorado Department of Health and Environment has confirmed the state's first Omicron variant case. A woman who traveled to South Africa, and lives in Arapahoe County, had gotten two vaccination shots, but not a booster, as she was not eligible yet.
The woman is isolating at home while experiencing mild symptoms.
Governor Polis held a press conference where he stated:
It’s particularly critical that Coloradans heed caution and get vaccinated, get a booster dose, wear a mask in indoor public spaces, limit large gatherings, wash their hands frequently, get tested if they have symptoms or were exposed, and practice physical distancing.
It's not clear on when the woman left for South Africa, but she tested positive for the omicron variant on November 22, 2021.

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