Susan noticed a photo of Emmylou Harris and noticed how much she loved the beautiful singer's hair. That started a whole big thing about dyeing our hair or not dyeing our hair. Well, you responded to our Facebook page, and Paul also talked to his mom about the situation.


We put the question out on the air, into the Twitterverse, and on our Facebook page. Here are some of the responses we had.

Matt - did for a i have embraced the Silver Fox and am happy to be the "wise" one.

Rena - Oh wise too!!!! I'm turning platinum! Why change it? I earned every one of these platinum hairs that I have left.

Fort Collins Music - I have been dying just for fun as I am not oing gray yet. I lighten during summer and add reddish during winter sometimes. I imagine that will continue as I age but I am really looking forward to seeing what sort of grey I go.

Lisa - Many moons ago....until I started looking like Carol Channing....and I was only in my late 20's....Now, al natural

And Paul Wozniak had to chime in as well - I saw the first greys in my beard years ago...this year was the first that a friend pointed some gray hairs on my head popping out. Finally!


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