Did you know fireworks are illegal in Fort Collins, which only makes sense that you can buy them right across the Wyoming border. ALL fireworks, including sparklers and snakes, are illegal to sell, possess, or use in the city of Fort Collins.The possession and use of fireworks of any kind without a permit may result in confiscation of the fireworks, and issuance of a summons into municipal court and a fine of to $2,650.

The City of Fort Collins is encouraging you to avoid a summons, a costly fine, a possible fireworks-related injury, or starting a fire and and leave fireworks shows to the professionals.

Fireworks Complaints or Injuries

Each year, Fort Collins emergency dispatchers receive hundreds of fireworks complaint calls on and around July 4. If you'd like to report hearing/seeing fireworks, visit fcgov.com/fireworks to make an online report. This information will be shared with Dispatch. If you need to report a fire, fireworks-related injury, or other emergency, please call 911.

Reasons Fort Collins Doesn't Allow Fireworks

  • Thousands of people, most often children and teens, are injured on or around July 4 while using consumer fireworks.
  • Each year, Poudre Fire Authority investigates fires around the holiday that investigators determined to be started by fireworks.
  • Fireworks are disruptive to pet and neighbors, including some people with PTSD. More animals run away from home on July 4 than any other day of the year, according to the Larimer Humane Society.

Fort Collins Fireworks Display

The City of Fort Collins fireworks display is presented by Blue Ocean Foundation.
The Fireworks begin at approximately 9:35 p.m. on July 4.  The professional display takes place over Sheldon Lake at City Park. Pets, alcohol and personal fireworks are not permitted in City Park.



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