Boulder County Very Close to ‘Stay-at-Home’ COVID Level
The nice weather that the area has been seeing hasn't been helping to lower the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Boulder County, and the numbers are rising.
The Daily Camera reports that Boulder County, on November 6, 2020, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDHE) will be moving from the yellow 'Concern' level into the orange (High Risk) level of the 'Safer-at-Home' restrictions; orange representing 'High Risk.'
The reason is because of the number of positive cases Boulder County is seeing: The two-week average for Boulder County is at 312 per 100,000 persons. 'Stay-at-Home' restrictions begin at 375 per 100,000 persons. Boulder County is on track to be in that phase if positive cases don't recede.
Any variances given prior to being moved into the 'High Risk' level (such as bars staying open) can remain but no further variances will be allowed. Boulder County bars will remain open with 'last call' being at 11 p.m.
Schools/Universities in Boulder County will be following state guidelines.
Get more on Boulder County's rise in restrictions from Boulder Camera HERE.
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